Rental of Work Platforms
in Olomouc and Beyond
Fast and reliable!

Orders and reservations:
24-HOUR HOTLINE: +420 777 991 919
From Monday to Friday, 8am–4pm,
call the Dispatching Department: +420 585 751 666
Give us a call and we will pick a platform to suit your needs. We will transport it directly to the desired place on the day required. We will train the operators and show you everything that is necessary for operation.
In the event of a breakdown, we will deliver another platform to you immediately. We will pick up the platform again at the end of the rental period.
Renting our work platforms is hassle-free!

Types of Work Platforms Offered
Platform Selection According to the Required Parameters
Why Does Long-term Lease Pay Off
More Than Buying Your Own Platform?
At the first glance, it may seem illogical. Most companies choose to buy their own high-lift platforms precisely because they want to save money on rentals. If they need to use platforms frequently, this idea has a logical basis.
However, not many companies realize that necessary service costs need to be added to the price of the platform. In addition, the investment is tax-deductible for several years.
On the other hand, long-term lease in the form of a FULL service contract has the following advantages.
The rental price is very low – it includes the replacement of AKU batteries, regular annual inspection, service, and replacement with a platform of the same type in case of an unrepairable fault. Long-term leases are invoiced in monthly cycles. You can put the full monthly payment in your expenses, and reduce your taxable income immediately without having to write it off. Optimize your tax burden by renting handling equipment.
Why Rent a Work Platform From Us?

24-HOUR dispatching
rentals, transport, service
transport by own vehicles
operator training upon handover of the platform
platform service by exchange at the rental location
favourable long-term rentals – more information here
indoor storage of platforms in halls
own service centre for platforms